
Welcome to Basingstoke Male Voice Choir

This year Basingstoke Male Voice Choir celebrates its 60th anniversary and we’d love to attract new members.

The choir sings both traditional and modern pieces.  Our enterprising American MD Richard Childress has created a fun, enjoyable ambience for choristers and audience alike. Our aim is to enjoy singing while raising money for charitable causes in and around Basingstoke

If you’re interested in joining our choir please email us at Basingstokemvc@outlook.com or just turn up at our rehearsals (7:30 PM at The Moose Centre) – we’d love to see you!  Alternatively use this web site and fill in the contact section – we’ll get back to you.

After our successful  60th Anniversary Concert we shall be taking our summer break!  We’ll be back rehearsing on September 3rd at the Moose Centre as normal.  We’d love you to join us!

Drop-in rehearsal sessions every Tuesday evening from 7:30pm at The Moose Centre, Churchill Way E, RG21 7QU